Rika Astuti, Yulie Rahayu Fitrianingsih


Bileh fish (Rasbora argyrotaenia) is one of the fish from the family cyprinidae that migrates from the lake to the river. The characteristic Habitat greatly affects the availability of fish in a waters. The aim of the study was to determine the characteristics of several fish habitats in Ie Sayang Lake, Woyla Barat. The study was conducted from May to October 2018 with a field survey method by capturing fresh fish at each fish sampling station in the lake ie Sayang. Determination of stations was based on the characteristics of the lake and other fish habitats. The fish obtained are counted in number and identified to the level of the species. Some fish found during the study were 2645. The highest fish catches obtained in October were 783, and the lowest catches were obtained as many as 143 in July. Based on many fish observation stations, some of them were found in station I (test one and two) and station II (test 1), while station III is less than stations I and II in tests one, two and three. Based on measurements of water quality, this study shows that caught fish are in line with the suitability of water temperature and the complexity of habitat that is available on Lake Ie Sayang.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35308/.v2i1.1685


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