Pahrul Rialdi, Zakir Husin, Azhar Azhar


The Jaw Crusher at PT. Wirataco Mitra Mulya is part of the Stone Crusher tool which is used for breaking stones with a working system of 2 Jaw Plates facing each other, opening and closing like animal jaws for crushing material. Jaw Crusher Machine has a structure that has mass, stiffness, and damping. Thus the mass of the machine has the ability to vibrate and can cause harm to human organs if it exceeds the ISO standard. While the noise in the Jaw Crusher can cause hearing loss and inconvenience to the operator if it exceeds the noise level based on ISO standards. Therefore, to analyze the level of vibration and noise based on ISO standards, vibration measurements are used with the VibraMeter tool. The measurement was carried out from five points at a time of 20 minutes. Meanwhile, the measurement of noise using a Soundlevel meter was carried out in two directions, front and back with a distance of 0.5 meters, 1 meter, 1.5 meters, 2 meters, 2.5 meters with a time of 10 minutes with Equivalent data in 5 seconds. The results of vibration measurements carried out with 3 sides, a maximum value of 3.089 m/s^2 compared to the standard ISO 2631-1 and Kepmenaker number KEP–51/MEN/I999, with a value of 8.5–17 m/s^2, the results of these measurements still classified as safe if operated less than 4 hours. The results of the measurement of the equivalent noise level on the Jaw Crusher during daytime measurements at points 1-5 with values of 94dBC, 98.2dBC, 88.31dBC, 91.63dBC, 87.51dBC, so that the value set has exceeded the standard threshold value of the Ministry of Manpower. RI work. No.Per. 13/MEN/X/2011 which is 85 dB for 480 minutes of one work day.   

 Keywords ISO standard Jaw Crushe

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