Bimasril Bimasril, Herri Darsan


PT. Wirataco Mitra Muliya is a contractor company engaged in the construction sector that produces raw materials. The raw materials used are aggregates of stone, aggregates of different sizes, so a machine is needed to break the material. The cone crusher machine is a machine that functions to reduce the size of the material due to friction with the coat and bowl liner. In the process of operation, the amount of vibration produced by the cone crusher is different from the vibration produced by the jaw crusher. Mechanical vibrations can be felt and occur throughout the body with range a large frequency, which is between 0.1-10,000 Hz. In general, human sensitivity is only up to a frequency of 4-8 Hz (Rengkung, 2012). The purpose of this study is to measure the vibration, measure the noise intensity and determine the level of vibration and  noise generated in themachine cone crusher against thevibration standard cone crusher. This study uses primary and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained through observation by analyzing the vibration and noise of the cone crusher. Secondary data as supporting material. The results obtained on theframe cone crusher point one at speed 730 rpm thevalue is velocity 12.7 m/s2, the bearing cone crusher value velocity at speed 730 is 15.88 m/s2 , the bottom outer side at speed 730 rpm value velocity is 42.62 m/s2 and the outer side of the cone crusher value velocity at speed 730 is 41.48 m/s2. On exposure the vibration measurement is above the HGCV zone. Noise measurements were made with a distance of 1m, 2m and a community house area of 15m, the noise value obtained was 102 dB under the 1978 OSHA standard with a value of 102 dB

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