Riki Aja Wiranda, Zakir Husin, Herdi Susanto


The main focus of this research is to calculate the noise value in the factory engine room at PT. Ujong Neubok Dalam. The analysis uses a data processing application, then calculates and collects data on March 11 to August 13, 2021. Noise measurement uses a digital sound level meter. Measurements are carried out at x, y and z measurement points at each measurement point. The results of the research in the field show the value of measuring noise around work tools in the factory engine room in the form of turbines, generators, main switch distribution boards (panels). The noise recommended by the ministry of health is 60 dBA while the permissible is 70 dBA. The results of the measurement of the noise value on the turbine with an average value of 94.9-94.9 dBA. While the generator has an average value of 101.5-101.5 dBA. And on the panel there is an average value of 91.2-93.1 dBA. The highest noise is found in the generator, indicating that the overall average with the two right and left sides shows 101.5 dBA on the right side and on the left side with a noise value of 102.3 dBA. The permitted listening time is 15 minutes. This can prevent the occurrence of comfort, health and safety problems at PT. Ujong Neubok Dalam. Operators and employees who operate the engine room are advised to stay at the location no more than the permitted time limit of 15-30 minutes, if more than that time they must use safety earmuffs.

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