M Fazli Abas, Al Munawir


The development of the oil palm plantation industry in Aceh province is an act of activity in terms of utilizing potential local resources. To further increase the potential yield of palm oil production, especially in the palm kernel processing section, a tool called the Ripple Mill machine is used for processing seeds.. The main purpose of this research is to find out how the processing results from the kernel station, especially on the grain crusher machine (ripple mill), are the results of the processing in accordance with what is expected by the company with a processing capacity of 24 tons/hour. In this study, the experimental method was used. This research was conducted by measuring small, medium and large seeds every 5 minutes/sample with a sample weight of 1 kg for 10 sampling times and the sampling measurement process was carried out randomly. From the results of this study, it can be seen that the ripple mill machine with a factory capacity of 24 tons/hour obtained 35.7% or 350 grams of seeds from a sample weight of 1kg, and for broken seeds it obtained a yield of 7% or 70 grams with a sample weight of 1 kg. with a factory capacity of PT Socfindo Kebun Seunagan of 24 tons/hour, the kernel is 2,232 kg/hourKeywords : palm oil, ripple mill, production capacity

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