Replace Belt Conveyor dengan Sistem Heater Pada Unit Belt PT. Mifa Bersaudara

Djohan Maldini, Herdi Susanto, Pribadyo Pribadyo


Know how the stages of the process raplace belt conveyor who use the method heater (Hot splicing) carried out by the Maintenance team pt. MIFA Brothers and know the what materials and tools are used for the process of connecting the conveyor belt with the heater method as the purpose of this research. Belt conveyor itself is a material handling tool that uses an operating system that is very often used to move solid materials with construction from close to long distances. The cause of the change in the conveyor belt that occurred at PT. MIFA Brothers, among others, as follows: Material (normal or not the state of the material). Machinery (not operating or design defects in the main tools). C. Environment (environmental conditions around the work area). Human error (operator error, environment such as ocean currents and cleanliness of work tools). In maintenance, you can carry out daily inspections, monthly inspections and yearly inspections.

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