Analisis Penerapan Surat online Dalam Pelayanan Administrasi 4.0 di Sekretariatan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Kabupaten Nagan Raya

Chandra Setyawan Silaen, Fadhil Ilhamsyah


The application of online mail is a mechanism in improving the quality of an administrative service in the 4.0 era. by using an online letter of satisfaction in providing services to the community and also to service operations. The purpose of using online mail is one of the developments of services that are carried out effectively and efficiently for administration which has been used manually in the form of hard files. In today's digital era, there are many things that can be done to create satisfaction and service loyalty in an excellent manner. The method in this online mail research is using qualitative by focusing on the problems that occur in the agency in using online mail as an alternative to modern services. The results of this study are the Nagan Raya Surat online DPRK Agency is a change made to provide very efficient and effective services for the community, agencies in delivering administration and reducing standard administration for staffing.


Surat online , Pelayanan , Administrasi

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