Analisis Peranan Sistem Layanan Informasi Keuangan (SLIK) dalam Pemberian Kredit Umum (Studi kasus pada PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Meulaboh Imam Bonjol)

Nur Azmi, Muzakir Muzakir


Credit is a business that generates a lot of returns or high returns, but the loan carries a high risk. The reason why loans cannot be repaid is usually because the loan capital is used for other purposes, for example to start a business first, but then the capital is used for other purposes. The purpose of this research is to analyze the Financial Information Service (SLIK) system in lending in general. The research method uses descriptive qualitative and data collection techniques using primary data, namely the source of data obtained from interviews, and direct observation with certain parties. The results of this study are to show how the role of SLIK in the credit granting process. SLIK plays a role in supporting the smooth running of small businesses in lending because an effective information system encourages productivity and can prevent errors and credit that is detrimental to banks because too much wrong information is not healthy. About the role of SLIK (Financial Information Service System) at Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Meulaboh Imam Bonjol, namely as an aid in the form of an application launched by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to select prospective debtors and is very useful in selecting prospective debtors, because SLIK provides information on prospective debtors using debt history information that contains complete information for bank decision making.

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