Mohamad Gazali, Hayatun Nufus


West Aceh Region have Nypa  fruticans mangrove community that distributed almost ± 100 Ha. But there are several habitat of N. fruticans have experienced damage that caused by tsunami. The utilization of N. fruticans still limited that only utilized its leaves as cigarette. The utilization of N. fruticans toward marine natural product for overcoming healthy community. The aim of this research is to study the phytochemical screening of  N. fruticans fresh leave from the coast of West Aceh. The method was used by using experimental. The result shown phytochemical properties in N. fruticans fresh leaves shown that N. fruticans plant contained phenolic, flavonoid, tannin, saponin and triterpenoid. This indicated that the phenolic, flavonoid, tannin and saponin compounds in such sample that have potency as food and non-food sources.

 Keywords : Phytochemical, West Aceh, Screening, N. fruticans leave

West Aceh Region have Nypa  fruticans mangrove community that distributed almost ± 100 Ha. But there are several habitat of N. fruticans have experienced damage that caused by tsunami. The utilization of N. fruticans still limited that only utilized its leaves as cigarette. The utilization of N. fruticans toward marine natural product for overcoming healthy community. The aim of this research is to study the phytochemical screening of  N. fruticans fresh leave from the coast of West Aceh. The method was used by using experimental. The result shown phytochemical properties in N. fruticans fresh leaves shown that N. fruticans plant contained phenolic, flavonoid, tannin, saponin and triterpenoid. This indicated that the phenolic, flavonoid, tannin and saponin compounds in such sample that have potency as food and non-food sources.


Keywords : Phytochemical, West Aceh, Screening, N. fruticans leave

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Jurnal Perikanan Tropis (print ISSN 2355-5564 ;online ISSN 2355-5572), is published by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Universitas Teuku Umar, Indonesia .
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