Mortalitas dan Tingkat Eksploitasi Rajungan (Portunus Pelagicus, Linnaeus 1758) Di Perairan Toronipa, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia
This study aimed to analyze mortality and exploitation rate of blue swimming crabs (P. pelagicus) in the Toronipa waters which was conducted for six months (March - August 2014). Total of samples obtained was 376 male and 331 female blue swimming crabs. The value of total mortality, natural mortality and catching mortality of male crab was 2.15, 1.03, and 1.12 respectively, whereas those of female crabs was 1.21, 0.64, and 0.57 respectively. The value of exploitation rate (E) of male crabs > 0.5 which means that there has been over catching, whereas that of female crabs was still below the optimal value of catching < 0.5. Habitat parameter factors such as water quality and seagrass density affecting mortality in this study belonging to the category of supporting life blue swimming crab so has less effect on the rate of natural mortality crab in the Toronipa waters. It is hoped that the result of this research can become a basis for considering the management of blue swimming crabs in the Toronipa waters.
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