Implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 34 Tahun 1964 tentang Dana Pertanggungan Wajib Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Jalan di Kabupaten Aceh Barat

Sri Defa, Zuhrizal Fadhly


Implementation of Law Number 34 of 1964 concerning Compulsory Funds for Road Traffic Accidents in Meulaboh City. This study aims to inform, Implementation of Law no. 34 of 1964 concerning the Compulsory Fund for Road Traffic Accidents in West Aceh Regency. In order to achieve this goal, this research uses a data collection technique through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data that has been found from the research results are then obtained using a qualitative study in order to find out the implementation of Law no. 34 of 1964 concerning the Compulsory Fund for Road Traffic Accidents in West Aceh Regency. The results of this study ensure that: 1) The implementation process of providing compensation funds to PT. The services of Raharja Meulaboh Branch for victims of road traffic accidents in Meulaboh City are in accordance with the Act. 2)Process of PT. The service of Raharja Meulaboh Branch in providing compensation funds to victims of road traffic accidents in the city of Meulaboh is quite good. However, in this process, it has been found that the victim's/heir's ignorance is that in fact the victim or heir is guaranteed by the social security that has been regulated by law. Therefore, due to the ignorance of the victim or heir that there will be social security, the right or expiration of the right to obtain compensation funds due to the accident of road traffic transportation has resulted. This shows because PT. Jasa Raharja Meulaboh Branch is still not socializing about the provision of compensation funds to the community, especially in the interior of the village and so far there are still many people who do not understand the process of providing compensation funds to PT. Jasa Raharja Meulaboh Branch 


Implementation, compulsory insurance , social insurance

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