Analisis Sarana dan Prasarana Dalam Efektivitas Kerja Pegawai Pada kantor Kecamatan Johan Pahlawan
The effectiveness of employees' work is influenced by many factors, including the completeness of physical and non-physical facilities. This study aims to determine the effect of employee performance on the completeness of facilities and infrastructure, so in this study using qualitative descriptive research methods. The research subjects were civil servants, sub-sections and divisions. Data collection method is by interview. The results of data analysis show that the percentage of facilities and infrastructure and the effectiveness of employees' work is still small and incomplete and inadequate. However, facilities and infrastructure have a positive and significant influence on the effectiveness of employees' work. Therefore, the effectiveness of employees' work can be increased through the completeness of good facilities and infrastructure. Facilities are basically supporting facilities for the smooth implementation of tasks in service to the community. Without the support of the necessary work facilities, it will have an impact on the length of the work process. One example is a computer, where at this time the need for a computer for carrying out work is a basic need that must be fulfilled by the office. Employee performance has not shown the level of optimization in accordance with what is targeted at the Johan Pahlawan sub-district office. The results of the research show that in general the facilities and infrastructure to support work at the Johan Pahlawan sub-district office are still in the good category
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