Irsadi Aristora


In regional development is an important part of achieving national development goals. In detail we can read in the provisions of Article 1 number 3 in Law Number 25 of 2004 concerning the National Development Planning System, stated that "The National Development Planning System is a unified procedure for development planning to produce development plans in the long term, long term medium, and yearly carried out by state and community administrators at the central and regional levels ". Therefore regional development must be planned appropriately, in accordance with the needs of development which are always changing dynamically. Considering that regional development must be able to accommodate two aspirations at once, namely the aspirations of government superiors and the aspirations of the local community. Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning renewed Regional Government with Law Number 9 of 2015. And Law Number 11 of 2006 concerning the Government of Aceh. The main objective of Regional Autonomy is to improve the service and welfare of the community, the better and the development of democratic life, justice and equitable development, therefore freedom of information and involvement of the community in each development process is one way to achieve the objectives of the Regional Autonomy. The establishment of the Aceh Barat TP2D assistance team based on the legality of the law in the West Aceh Regent's Regulation Number 37 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for the Acceleration of Regional Development, dated October 24, 2017, after 14 (fourteen) days of the West Aceh Regent elected Ramli MS. Strengthening and accelerating the development process of West Aceh, the West Aceh Regent issued a Decree of the West Aceh Regent Number 610 Year 2018 concerning the Establishment and Secretariat of the Acceleration of Aceh Barat District Regional Development Year 2018, on December 4, 2017.


Keywords: local goverment, team assistance, regional development

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