Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

JITSU is a journal published every two (2) years, in Mei and November

The range of knowledge that can be included in this review includes the structure , materials, aerial resources, management and transportation.

Articles published in this journal are reviewed by experienced reviewers.

This civil engineering and construction technology magazine truly helps readers and writers expand their knowledge.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

1. Reviewers perform a review (editing process) of the manuscript based on their scientific field.
2. If the manuscript is not suitable for his or her field of expertise, the reviewer has the right to refuse the review process and switch to another reviewer in accordance with his or her authority.
3. The manuscript under review is a double-blind review manuscript (authors and reviewers are not identified), sent or submitted by the section editor-in-chief or the editorial secretariat.
4. Reviewers review manuscripts based on the content of the manuscript (the quality of the writing) and not on linguistic stylistic aspects (the editor's task), for a maximum period of 2 weeks from since receiving the manuscript.
 If within this time  the revision of the manuscript has not been completed, the reviewer must confirm this with the editor-in-chief or editor-in-chief of the journal.
5. Reviewers provide review of the manuscript through the  form/checklist available in this e-journal application.
6. If encountering difficulties, reviewers can evaluate the manuscript manually on the Review Checklist form (Ms. Word format) sent by the Section Editor or Editorial Secretary.
7. Manuscripts after revision are returned to the section editor-in-chief or the editorial secretariat.
8.  Reviewer makes  decision on  manuscript after review: Accept for submission (manuscript is accepted), Revision request (manuscript must be revised by  author and sent back to  reviewer), Resubmit for review (manuscript must be reviewed by another reviewer), resubmit elsewhere (manuscript must be sent to another editor of the journal), refuse submission (manuscript is rejected), see comments (see comments).


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.