Analisis Produktivitas Pekerja Dengan Konsep Value Stream Mapping Pada Pekerjaan Kolom dan Balok

Elizar Elizar


Labor productivity is an important part of various construction planning to project schedule, quality and cost. Planning project schedules without specifying worker productivity allows a mismatch of duration and group workers' plans for realization. productivity, it is expected to reduce ineffective time and in accordance with the schedule of construction implementation activities.
The aim of this study is to know of the labor productivity with approavh value stream mapping. work flow system during construction, analyse labor productivity in the implementation of construction projects and formulate conformity.
The results of the research at the Riau High Prosecutor's Project indicate that the average productivity for reinforcing work in the column is 32,314 kg / hour with an average index value of workers of 1,616. The workmanship of column formwork obtained results in an average productivity of 18,184 m2 / hour with an average value of labour index of 0,909 while for column casting work the results showed an average productivity of 21,695 m3 / hour with an average value of labour index of 0,915. In the construction of beam and plate construction the average value of productivity was 20.736 kg / hour with an average index value of 1.037. The workmanship of beam and plate formwork obtained an average yield of 22,256 m2 / hour with an average index value of 1,113 and casting work on beams and plates obtained an average value of productivity of 21,081 m3 / hour with an average index value of 0,964.

Keywords—Productivity, Labor, Value, Stream, Mapping

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