The earthquake and After tsunami that struck the area of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), particularly in West Aceh so that casualties and severe infrastructure. This gives a huge task for the government to address the problem effectively. This study aimed to evaluate the maintenance of buildings housing complex in the fishing village of Tin Suak Samatiga West Aceh district. The method used is descriptive qualitative analysis method. This analysis is to describe what is in the study area that is not measurable by using analysis of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the measured among others analyzing the physical characteristics of the building. The reference used is the Minister of settlements and Regional Infrastructure No. 403 / KPTS / M / 2002 on Technical Guidelines Development Simple Healthy House. Eligible criteria in the Certificate of Function (SLF) building / buildings in accordance with the mandate of PP 36 in 2005, the government requires the application of a certificate worth function (SLF) which is adapted to the conditions of the building. The results provide information about the cause of the abandonment of the building at Fishermen Housing complex in the village of Suak Tin is a sense of ownership of the building occupants of the house are not so great and the inability to repair and maintain buildings that house was occupied. Management and maintenance of buildings to be useful for society and for an evaluation for a housing complex based on the Ministry of settlements and Regional Infrastructure No. 403 / KPTS / M / 20, System Management Building Maintenance is a solution paradigmatic society, that the housing complex fishermen do maintenance by the community, raising public awareness of the need for maintenance of the building both houses, as well as the existing infrastructure in the village of Suak Tin in coordination with agencies related.
Key Word : management, maintenance, Building, After tsunami
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