Zakia Zakia, Muhammad Ikhsan, Rizal Fadli


Developers in the planning and development is also limited by government policy, a policy based on the occupancy of the balance in the housing, a problem for developers on the feasibility of the investments made in order to get the maximum benefit compared to the cost of construction of suchhousing. Research on Griya Field Development Project aims to determine the feasibility of investment in the existing Housing Development Programme and to determine the maximum profit generated as compared to the cost of development of investment in Housing Development Program. For the condition of the plan, this residential project at a cost of Rp.15.345.000.000, while for the existing
conditions cost as much as Rp.12.845.000.000. The feasibility study is based on the financial aspects of using parameter Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) After research it is known, for repayment periods of 10 years (NPV Rp.1.364. 728 246, BCR and IRR 1,046 3,698%), for a period of installment / credit 15 years (NPV Rp.4.300.736.040, BCR and IRR 1,130 6.239%), and future installment/ credit 20 years (NPV Rp.4.300.736.040, BCR 1.182 and 6.698% IRR). So based on the condition of the plan, the investment feasibility studies on the financial aspects with parameters NPV, BCR, IRR based on a long period of installment/credit (with the value obtained by this project is not less than the installments to 10 years and not more than the installments to 20 years) is profitabl feasible (feasible). Sensitivity analysis of the calculation results, for future installments/credit 10 years can be seen that the investment will be worth the financial aspects if revenue fell 10%, fixed costs and revenues and expenses fell by 10%. While the sensitivity analysis for future installments/credit 15 years, a period installment/credit 20 years to remain profitable/feasible (feasible).

Keywords : Feasibility Investments, NPV, BCR, IRR, Sensitivity Analysis

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