Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Penanggulangan Dan Pencegahan Stunting Dengan Pemanfaatan Produk Lokal Berupa Puding Alpukat

Mirna Ria Andini, Muhammad Ardiansyah, Ilham Juliwardi, Andri Yusmindra, Lisma Husna, Wiwi Andari



The problem of stunting is a global public health challenge that affects the growth and development of children in the long term, tackling stunting requires a holistic approach that involves various elements, including community empowerment and utilization of local resources. This study aims to analyze the role of utilizing local products and strengthening community participation in the process. Through a qualitative approach, this study collected data through in-depth interviews with mothers. And stakeholders at the community level. The results of the research show that the use of local products, such as highly nutritious food from the surrounding area, can be a valuable source of nutrition for growing children. In addition, this approach also encourages active community participation in the production, distribution and consumption of local products. This research provides insight into how collaboration between communities, government and the private sector can strengthen stunting prevention efforts through the use of local products. By promoting cross-sectoral collaboration and a community-based approach, these Community Empowerment Measures have the potential to have a positive impact on tackling stunting and improving children's welfare at the local level

Keywords: community empowerment; utilization of local products; stunting control; child nutrition.

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