Pembinaan Dan Pendampingan Siswa SMA Labs School Unsyiah Dalam Persiapan Olimpiade Fisika
Students who succeed in physics olympiad are students who are able to compete in solving problems in the olympiad. Therefore, it is necessary to provide guidance and assistance to students, which aims to increase students' reasoning power so that maximum results are achieved. The method used in this coaching and mentoring is the drill method, which is intensive mentoring that aims to develop students' reasoning power. There are stages that are passed in this mentoring and coaching, namely the planning, implementation and evaluation stages. The result of this coaching and mentoring is that there is an increase in students' abilities, that is, from good times the tests are carried out there is a significant increase in student abilities. In the first test students can only answer 14 questions or less than 75% of the total 20 questions given. In the second test and so on, it continued to increase. In the sixth test the questions answered correctly reached 90% and even almost 100%.
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