Evaluasi Investasi Properti Rumah Tipe 30/60 Pada Perumahan Insani Regency Lamongan
Investment is an attempt to invest capital in a certain time to obtain profits in the future.
Housing is a group of houses that functions as a residential environment or human dwelling
that is equipped with environmental infrastructure that is basic equipment such as the physical
environment, such as the provision of drinking water, landfills, availability of electricity
resources, etc., which allows the residential environment to function as it should be. While the
house is a place to let go of fatigue, a place to live for the family, a place for family protection,
and also a place as a social status. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of
Insani Regency Lamongan housing investment. The method used to analyze the investment
feasibility is the Net Present Value Method. From the results of this research, the Lamongan
Regency Insani Housing showed that it was feasible because it produced a NPV of Rp
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