Pengaruh Penambahan Bottom Ash Sebagai Bahan Stabilisasi Tanah Gambut Terhadap Nilai CBR

Mega Sukma Rismawati, Mega Sukma Rismawati


Soil is the basic material used to support the planning of civil construction buildings. If a construction is built on soil conditions that have low bearing capacity, it will cause problems during construction. One type of soil that has a low bearing capacity is peat soil. Therefore it is necessary to improve the type of soil that has a low soil bearing capacity, namely peat soil by using the soil stabilization method. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%  coal bottom ash with a curing period of 0 days and 7 days in terms of the CBR value. Based on the research that has been done, it is found that the more addition coal bottom ash with a curing time of 0 days and 7 days, the CBR value of the soil will increase. The CBR values obtained from testing in the laboratory are 2.43% and 3.91%, where based on the results of these tests there is an increase in the CBR value with the addition of 30% coal bottom ash with a curing period of 7 days.

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