Dedy Darmansyah, Devi Agustia, Yoga Nugroho


The Government of Indonesia has announced plans to implement a new normal scenario taking into account epidemiological studies and regional readiness. The pandemic experienced by the world changed the purchasing patterns of people, one of which is indonesian society. Indonesians who are dominant have a penchant for consuming coffee outside the home every day, now the habit must adjust to pandemic conditions. The data collected in this study consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained through obeservation, questionnaires, interviews with consumers. Secondary data is obtained from library research and documentation studies. Data obtained from consumers through questionnaire questions will be analyzed at three stages, namely reduction, display data and draw conclusions. This attribute is based on previous research conducted by Darmansyah 2019 before the pandemic only about 11 attributes, while the results of this study found 13 attributes. There has been an increase in the number of percentages in the nearby distance and location attributes, well-known brands and friend recommendations. This is part of the impact of the pandemic so that consumers who respond to the spread of corona prioritize distance and close location. Meanwhile, for well-known brands and friend recommendations increased because consumers began to see products consumed hygienically.


Consumers, Attributes, Pandemic, Coffee

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