Sudirman Sirait, Hendris Hendris, Devi Agustia


Increasing the efficiency of irrigation water management can be done by using solar powered automatic sprinkler irrigation. This irrigation system is designed using digital technology, a microcontroller and sensor network. This technological innovation is built to operate the on/off sprinkler irrigation based on the soil moisture value which is set as the lower set point value and upper setpoint value. The aims of this research are to develop a solar powered automatic sprinkler irrigation system with reference to soil moisture control. The stages of the research are hardware design of solar-powered control systems, design of automatic control system software, design of sprinkler irrigation networks, testing and data analysis. The results showed that the total power to operate an automatic sprinkler irrigation system of 68.2 watt.hour and without automatic control system of 401.7 watt.hour. The use of automatic control system in sprinkler irrigation system can reduce battery consumption of 333.5 Watt.hour. The battery operating time in a system equipped with an automatic control system is 12 hours, while without the use of the control system it is 2 hours. The use of a 100 WP solar panel unit is able to meet the power needed for the automatic control system during the experiment.


irrigation efficiency, solar power, sprinkler irrigation, water management

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