Mujiburrahmad Mujiburrahmad


Word Travel Tourism Council (WTTC) in 2019 stated that Indonesia on averaged contributed 10% of per year. As a form of tourism, ecotourism has its own specificities that is promoting environmental conservation, the welfare of local residents and respect for local culture. So that ecotourism is much in demand by tourists, this is because of a shift in the paradigm of international tourism from the form of mass tourism to special interest tourism, namely ecotourism. The research objectives are (1) to determine the relationship between the role of community-based ecotourism and community economic conditions, (2) to determine changes in community economic conditions before and after the existence of community-based ecotourism. The method used in this research is survey method. The object of this study was the Head of the Mon Ikeun Village Family, Lhoknga District, Aceh Besar District. The number of respondents taken at 10% of the total population of 38 people. The analytical method used in this study is the Spearman Correlation Rank Test statistic, and the T-Paired Test, and descriptive analysis. The results showed that the role of Community-Based Ecotourism there was a significant relationship between the economic conditions of the community and the role of ecotourism. This is indicated by the correlation value of 0.651, which is included in the high category. Changes in Economic Conditions of the community before and after the existence of community-based ecotourism experienced changes in economic conditions with a Sig value: the level of significance of the relationship: Results 0,000 means significant at the 0.01 level. And for Sig. (2- tailed): Probability value or P test value T Paired: Result = 0,000. Meaning: there is a difference between before and after the existence of community-based ecotourism. Because: P value> 0.05 (95% trust). Mean: 84032.5 Positive Value: This means that there is a trend of changes in economic conditions after the community-based ecotourism. Correlation value between changes in economic conditions and the role of ecotourism results 0.811 means a strong and positive relationship.


Role of Ecotourism. Economic Conditions, Society.

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