Nurul Dwi Novikarumsari, Ratih Apri Utami, Riza Yuli Rusdiana, Indri Fariroh


Permentan No. 67/ Permentan / SM.050 / 12/2016 states that the women farmer group is part of the farmer institution. The development of farmers aimed to(a) strengthening farmer groups and become independent farmer institutions; (b) increasing the ability of members in agribusiness development, and (c) increasing the ability of farmers' groups to carry out their functions. Sukowiryo Village is one of the villages in Jelbuk Subdistrict, Jember District that hasn’t been introduced yet to the initiation of women farmer groups as a forum for the cooperation of its members. This study aimed to analyze how the perceptions of the initiation of women farmer groups in Sukowiryo Village, Jelbuk Sub-District, Jember District. This study was used as a quantitative approach with purposive sampling method and used PLS analysis. The results showed that the relative advantages, observability, and compatibility have a direct influence on the initiation of the formation of female farmer groups, this is due to respondents have good perceptions, that the initiation of the women farmer groups that reflected in the planning and the types of activities that are considered to be beneficial later easy to observe and very much by the needs of the community.


women farmer groups initiation, perception, PLS analysis, Jember District

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