Human Resources Management Through ASN Management Information System (SIMAS) in Malang City
This writing aims to determine the management of human resources through the ASN management information system (SIMAS) in Malang City. This is due to the problem of human resources within the bureaucracy that must be addressed because there are several problems such as the number of ASN working or occupying positions that are not in accordance with their fields/competencies, problems are also found with ASN indiscipline. So that this makes the Malang City Civil Service Agency make an innovation in personnel services which initially used the Personnel Management Information System (SIMPEG) to become the ASN Management Information System (SIMAS). So, with the SIMAS, there will be a more effective and efficient ASN governance system regarding the competence, performance, and level of ASN discipline which will be transparently and real team updated in SIMAS. This writing uses qualitative research with stages starting with identifying problems, reviewing the literature, determining goals and objectives, collecting data, interpreting, and making reports. The results of this study indicate that personnel management through SIMAS indicates that the Malang City government has implemented an e-government application on their performance processes whose outputs and outcomes will be felt as positive changes to better ASN performance
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Copyright (c) 2022 Novia Andita Putri, Yana Syafriyana Hijri, Muhammad Kamil
p-ISSN: 2477-5738 I e-ISSN: 2502-0528 I DOI: 10.35308
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