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Vol 9, No 1 (2023): January Analysis of Indonesian Government Policies in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic-Induced Mass Layoffs Abstract  PDF
Rahmad Agus Dwianto, Arief Bakhtiar Darmawan, Suswanta Suswanta, Muchamad Zaenuri, Elpeni Fitrah
Vol 8, No 1 (2022): January The DKI Jakarta Regional Government Policy to Handling Covid-19 in Basic Services in Health Sector Abstract  PDF
Marwansyah Marwansyah, Roni Ekha Putera, Aidinil Zetra
Vol 9, No 4 (2023): October Durkheim’s Social Solidarity: Learning from the COVID-19 Pandemic through the ‘Jogo Tonggo’ Policy Abstract  PDF
Tunjung Wijanarka, Medina Safira Suma, Muhammad Abdul Azis, Yuve Kukuh Sesar
Vol 9, No 2 (2023): April How does Social Media Platforms of Facebook and Twitter used during COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign? A Study in West Sumatera Abstract  PDF
Novia Amirah Azmi, Annisa Weriframayeni, Eda Elysia, Aqil Teguh Fathani, Agustiyara Agustiyara
Vol 8, No 3 (2022): July Evaluation of the Policy for Providing BLT Village Funds for Overcoming the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Tirto District, Pekalongan Regency Abstract  PDF
Hendika Dwinanda Wicaksana, Budi Setiyono, Rina Martini
Vol 10, No 2 (2024): April The Strategic Role of Dayah Ulama in Handling the Covid-19 Pandemic in Aceh: Collaboration, Public Awareness, and Social Solidarity Abstract  PDF
Muntasir Muntasir, Iskandar Zulkarnaen, Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Aminullah, Bimby Hidayat
Vol 7, No 1 (2021): April Implementasi Program Bantuan Dana Desa di Tengah Pandemi Covid 19 Abstract  PDF
Risna Dewi, Tommy Adista, Safrida Safrida
Vol 9, No 2 (2023): April Policy Development for handling COVID-19 from the Perspective of a Policy Narrative Framework Abstract  PDF
Khotami Khotami, Irwan Gesmi, Moris Adidi Yogia, Pahmi Amri, Dini Tiara Sasmi
Vol 9, No 1 (2023): January Pentahelix Collaboration Concept as an Effort to Accelerate Poverty Reduction in the Covid-19 Situation in the City of Mataram Abstract  PDF
Inka Nusamuda Pratama, Adil Hassan Ibrahim, Paisal Akbar
Vol 8, No 4 (2022): October Screening Aspiration Through Hearing in Handling Covid-19 Pandemic of DPRD Blitar Regency Abstract  PDF
Sheila Vanandea Putri Abadi, Asep Nurjaman
Vol 8, No 1 (2022): January Government Strategies in Handling the Impact of the Spread of the Covid-19 Outbreak in Bandar Lampung Abstract  PDF
Ma’sum Busthomi, Arizka Warganegara, Tabah Maryanah, Robi Cahyadi Kurniawan, Ni Kadek Poniasih
Vol 8, No 1 (2022): January Increasing the Capacity of Padang City Community Against Covid-19 Disaster Management Abstract  PDF
Roni Ekha Putera, Tengku Rika Valentina, Putri Febri Wialdi, Nia Audia
Vol 8, No 1 (2022): January The Effectiveness of the Indonesian Government's Economic Stimulus Policy during the Covid-19 Pandemic Abstract  PDF
Danni Pangaribowo, Feni Rosalia, Maulana Mukhlis, M Fajar Novriansyah, Ni Kadek Poniasih
Vol 7, No 2 (2021): October Formulating a Health Sustainable Development Policy: How the Actors Handling the COVID-19 in Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Novia Amirah Azmi, Annisa Weriframayeni, Retno Dewi Pramodia Ahsani, Delila Putri Sadayi, Aqil Teguh Fathani
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