The Quality of Family Planning (FP) Program through Family Information System in Banda Aceh City
This study aims to analyze the service quality of the Family Planning (FP) program through the family information system (SIGA) in Banda Aceh City. The problem in this study is how the quality of FP program services is implemented through a family information system and how the strategy is to improve family planning services in the Banda Aceh city government. The approach used in this research is qualitative. The data collection technique was carried out through interviews using interview guides as instruments. The informants were 20 people, determined by purposive sampling technique, consisting of officers providing contraceptive service data, leaders of health facilities (Public Health Center, Public Health Center Help, and private clinics), contraceptive users who received services at these health facilities, and local government civil servants working for the FP program. The analysis was carried out by categorizing words and classifying answers from interviews. Transcripts and voice recordings are sorted by source and interview date. This study found that there were 7 (seven) themes in the quality of FP services in Banda Aceh City, namely: 1) Easy access to health facilities: 2) Some small obstacles in the field; 3) The use of procedures in family planning services, especially contraceptive services: 4) The selection of contraceptives by the acceptors and the use of the ABPK flipchart in FP counseling have a good effect on the acceptors' decisions in choosing contraceptives: 5) The recording and reporting of contraceptive services is very adequate: 6) Good attitude of health facilities staff in providing FP
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Copyright (c) 2022 Zulkifli, Siti Aisyah, Nur Hidayah
p-ISSN: 2477-5738 I e-ISSN: 2502-0528 I DOI: 10.35308
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