The Role of Public Participation in the Development of Integrated Development Plan (in the Vhembe District Municipality
The study's primary goal was to assess the role of public participation in developing the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) in a selected Municipality in South Africa. Local government remains vital for inclusive development in post-apartheid South Africa. To address the long-lasting effects of apartheid, the African National Congress-led government greatly emphasised local government as it was the closest developmental sector to the people. Hence it had to become important in the country's quest for inclusive development in the post-apartheid era. To answer the objectives of this study, a qualitative research approach was employed, and a purposive sampling method was used as a sampling measure. The research approach was essential to ensure the study gained in-depth narratives and arguments, which proved crucial in helping the study produce reliable results. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to acquire the required data. The findings revealed that most of the public participates in developing IDPs, but some still need to be made aware of the importance of public participation. In addition, the inaccuracy of relevant information regarding public participation in the IDP process prevents members of the public from actively participating in the IDP process. Hence this study recommends that the municipality consider developing programmes to increase public participation in exercising citizens' democratic rights. This would help increase awareness of IDP and how citizens can participate.
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