Dynamic Governance in increasing Millennial Participation Food Independent South Sumatra Movement Program (GSMP)
Appropriate measures to address food security at the local level can be designed and implemented, understanding people's perceptions and judgments about their food security, will have practical implications for designing better interventions to improve community food security. This study uses a qualitative methodology through interviews, and then the data is coded using Nvivo 12 Plus. To realize this, the Province of South Sumatra implemented the South Sumatra Self-Sufficient Food Movement through efforts to change the community's mindset from "buyers" to "producers" covering the cultivation of plants, fish, and poultry. However, its implementation is still experiencing many obstacles, including beneficiaries still focusing on their main activities to earn income so that the assistance received has not been utilized optimally, GSMP socialization has not been optimal for beneficiaries, field assistance related to plant and fish cultivation has not been optimal, as well as assistance provided services provided have not been fully adapted to field conditions and beneficiary skills. So, it is expected to be able to recommend solutions for implementing the South Sumatra Independent Food Movement Program (GSMP), especially in Palembang City. This study concludes that millennial participation in the South Sumatra Independent Food Movement is relatively high and is influenced by factors such as interest, knowledge, and community involvement. Thus, further efforts are needed to increase interest, knowledge, and community involvement in this program to achieve the goals of the South Sumatra Independent Food Movement.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Steven Anthony, Atrika Iriani, Sanny Nofrima, Ronny Basista
p-ISSN: 2477-5738 I e-ISSN: 2502-0528 I DOI: 10.35308
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