Implementation of Public Service Malls (MPP) in Improving One Stop Integrated Services (PTSP) in Rembang Regency
Public services in Indonesia are often seen as a complicated and long-winded process, so people need public services that are easier to reach. The Rembang Regency Public Service Mall exists as an effort by the Rembang Regency Government to improve the quality of integrated services. This study aims to determine how Public Service Malls's implementation, factors, and SWOT analysis (PSM) improved One Stop Services in Rembang Regency. This research method descriptively uses qualitative data sources obtained through in-depth interviews. The results of the study showed that (1) The effectiveness of the Public Service Mall in improving One-Stop Services in Rembang Regency is still considered ineffective; (2) The implementation of the PSM policy in Rembang Regency in terms of resources and bureaucratic structure is not optimal; (3) Strategies that the Government of Rembang Regency can develop in the implementation of this PSM policy include preparation of standard operating procedures for macro service mechanisms at PSM, development of information systems for Public Service Malls, and improvement of PSM service facilities
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