Analysis of the Correlation between Sanitation Facilities and Family Health Levels in Indonesia

Lenindo Lenindo, Vid Adrison


Poor sanitation is a major cause of health problems in developing countries. Inadequate handling of household waste leads to contamination of soil, surface water, and groundwater, affecting the health of surrounding communities through groundwater consumption and exposure. This study utilizes data from the National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) conducted by the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) from 2016 to 2018 to analyze the relationship between sanitation facilities and household health quality in Indonesia, with a sample of 883,845 households. Application of the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method is applied to pooled cross-sectional data. The results indicate that access to adequate sanitation facilities remains low, with only 65% of households having proper sanitation and waste treatment facilities. Regression analysis shows that households with proper sanitation facilities correlated significantly with better health outcomes, while those without such facilities did not. In urban areas, the impact of sanitation is stronger due to higher population density. This study suggests policy prioritization in providing communal waste treatment facilities, such as wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), especially in densely populated areas, to reduce the adverse effects of domestic waste pollution on public health. Sanitation is crucial, and PFTs with waste treatment vital. Access stagnant, urban-rural gap. Health linked, gov't intervention needed for WWTPs. Comprehensive solutions essential for public health, and sustainability.


Sanitation; Household Health; Waste Processing Facilities; Susenas; Indonesia; OLS; KLA; IPAL; Urban; rural

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