ICPH 2024

 A.  Description

The 5th International Public Health Conference 2024 will take place on September 26 and 27, 2024. Like in previous years, this year's conference will also be held on a hybrid virtual platform, allowing participants to attend both in person and online. This conference aims to gather research related to public health and medicine under the theme "Global Commitment in Promoting Health Equality and Security".

The conference theme is highly relevant to global conflicts that have impacted global public health. Conflict has led to inequality and compromised health security. Prolonged conflict further exacerbates health inequalities, especially among vulnerable populations such as women, children, and refugees. Thus, health disparities resulting from conflict have become a significant problem that requires a global commitment to health equality and security.

This conference offers an excellent opportunity to explore the challenges and opportunities in this field. The interdisciplinary nature of the conference is crucial in addressing the diverse challenges facing public health. Bringing together researchers, educators, practitioners, and policymakers from various fields can help identify innovative solutions that can improve public health outcomes.

This year's conference provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, educators, practitioners, and policymakers to discuss the latest trends and issues related to the theme, as well as to offer challenges and solutions within the provided scope. Research articles, literature reviews, and position papers are especially welcome.

The inclusion of research articles, literature reviews, and position papers in conferences is also significant. It provides an opportunity for participants to share their research findings and engage in robust discussions about the latest trends and issues in public health. It also allows participants to gain valuable insight into current developments in public health research and practice, laying a foundation for collaboration and innovation. For More Information, please https://linktr.ee/5thICPH

B.  Theme

" Global Commitment in Promoting Health Equity and Security"

C.  Scope

The scope of the conference is within (but not limited to) the following areas:

-   Malnutrition

-   Health Service and policy

-   Environment and sanitation

-  Social environment and behaviour


- Child and maternity

- Nutrition

- Pharmacology

- Food Science

- Epidemiology

- Nursing

- Midwifery

-       Hospitality

- Health Communication

- Health technologi

- Medicine

- Biomedicine

- Public Health practices

- Occupational health

-  Mental Health

D.  Mode of Presentation

The conference will be held virtual through Hybrid (Virtual and In-Person). The in-person aspect of the conference will take place at Teuku Umar University, located in Aceh Barat, Indonesia.

E.  Important Dates

Abstract Submission

1 June – 20 September 2024

Notification Of Acceptance

6 Agust 2024

Early Bird Registration

03 – 13 Agust 2024

Regular Registration

14 Agsutust – 8 September 2024

Full Paper Submission

2 Agust – 20 September 2024

The Conference

25 - 26 September 2024

F.   Mode of Presentation

Submit your Abstract of no more than 250 words. You may use a common form/template of Abstract that includes (1) the objective of the research/paper, (2) the methodology, (3) results or findings, and (4) implication for research and practice. Please include a short biography in your Abstract. DO NOT FORGET to put your email, contact number, and affiliation in your abstract. Your Abstract will undergo a double-blind peer review. If your abstract is accepted, you will be invited to register for the conference and submit your full paper.

Abstract submission should be made online through our email icph.fkm@utu.ac.id

G.  Publication Opportunities

Full papers will be published online on our e-proceeding registered with an ISSN. Publication options are also available for SELECTED ARTICLES in Scopus-indexed journals and National Journals indexed by Sinta (An Indonesian indexing system).

H.  Contact Person

Further queries or concerns can be addressed to the Conference Chair, Dr. Ernawati, trough email at icph@utu.ac.id, or phone/WhatsApp at +6285277982274











07.00 – 08.00

Admitting all presenters & participants in Zoom



08.00 – 08.05

Opening & Welcoming

Master of Ceremony


08.05 – 08.10

Recitation of The Holy Qur’an



08.10 – 08.30

Welcoming speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, University of Teuku Umar

Dr. T. Alamsyah, SKM.,MPH


08.30 – 08.45

Opening speech by the Rector of the University of Teuku Umar

Prof. Dr. Ishak Hasan, M.Si


08.45 – 08.50

Recitation of Prayer




08.50 – 09.00

Opening of Keynote Speaker Presentation by Moderator

Firman Parlindungan, Ph.D


09.50 – 10.40

Speaker II

“Utilization of Local Natural Resources In Improving Nutritional Nutrition.”

Prof. Dr.dr.KRT.Adi Heru Husodo, M.Sc,.D.Comn.Nut.,DLSHTM


10.40 – 11.00

Coffee Break



11.00 – 11.50

Speaker III

“The public health aspects of complex emergencies and refugee situations.”

Prof. Giurgiulescu Liviu-Laurentiu


11.00 – 11.40

Speaker IV

"Improving Gender, Sexuality and Reproductive Health Education at Schools: Experiences in Australia and Indonesia"

Prof Brahm Marjadi, MD, MPH, PhD


11.40 – 12.30

Speaker V

“ Development strategies that have an impact on increasing SRH results in conflict areas”

Dr. Wong Chen Yen


12.30 – 13.20




13.20 – 14.10

Speaker VI

"Challenges and Innovations in Controlling Tropical Diseases in the Era of Globalization"

Prof Khaichat


14.10 – 15.00

Question and Answer Session by Moderator

Firman Parlindungan, Ph.D


15.00 – 15.15

Closing Remark

Firman Parlindungan, Ph.D