The Relationship between Home Environmental Conditions and the Occurrence of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) in Toddlers in Nagan Raya Regency

Dian Fera, Susy Sriwahyuni


Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an infection that lasts up to 14 days. Most ARI are caused by infection, but can also be caused by inhalation of chemical and chemical substances. In 2018 the population was 3,885, with 342 children under five. The number of toddlers experiencing ARI is 218 toddlers. The purposes of this study were to determine the relationship of environmental conditions in the home with ARI in toddlers. This research uses analytic survey method with Cross Sectional approach. The study was conducted on August 20-September 5 2019, population 342 and sample of 77 peoples. The results showed there were a relationship among the house floor (P value 0.018 <α 0.05, PR = 3.934), the room occupancy density (P value 0.006 <α 0.05, PR = 1.845), and the use of mosquito coils (P value 0.001 <α 0.05, PR = 2.174) with ARI. The conclusion of the study was relationship among house floor, occupancy density factors and the use of mosquito coils with the incidence of ARI. It is expected that the health center can hold a health meeting with the community to protect the cleanliness of the floor of the house and not use mosquito repellent but replace it with a mosquito net when going to sleep and in one bedroom with an area of 8 m2 can only consist of 2 adults and 1 toddler, so make ventilation in every room in the house.


House Floor; Residential Density; Mosquito Coils; ARI

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